Sunday, April 26, 2015

Why People Should Want To Work At Your Company Instead Of Need To Work There

Companies as we know them today were largely started from and based on two entities. The Hudson's Bay Company was into the business of fur trading and was founded in 1602, it grew to around 1,500 employees. The Dutch East India Company was into trade and was also founded in 1602 but grew to a massive size of around 50,000 employees and was the richest private company in the world. But whether we look at companies from a few hundreds years ago or today there is one thing that always remained, one assumption that up until now has remained unchallenged and untested. That assumption is that employees NEED to work at these organizations. In other words people have expenses, bills to pay, families to take care of, and purchases they want to make. The relationships between employees and companies has always been symbiotic and essential. People cannot survive without getting paid from the companies they work for and the companies cannot exist without having employees there to do the jobs required. However organizations always had the upper hand because if an employee didn't want to do a job, someone else would . And so, this assumption that employees NEED to work at organizations has been the rule since the very first business was established.

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