Sunday, August 16, 2015

10 Questions to Ask About Solar Panels Before Installation

Installing solar panels on your roof can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and make your home comfortable and save on electricity bills. Although the initial cost is high, the federal and local government offers rebates to individuals and businesses that use them, while many local utilities and funding agencies are happy to enjoy the leases or help customers to finance their purchase. Financial incentives make it affordable, but it is important to know the basics before committing to have on your roof.

10 things you should know before you install solar panels

It can be used in sunny climates?
Although they work in all climates, it is true that states sun have a greater potential for the implementation of this technology. Some states, including Utah, are so sunny that could provide one third of all electricity used in the country.

How much investment is needed?
Many customers feel sticker shock at the initial cost of solar panels, the cost could exceed $ 50,000. When included in the tax credits and exemptions, as well as savings in energy consumption, the cost is significantly reduced.

What is the payback period to amortize this investment?
When the incentives for energy savings are combined, the investment can pay for itself in 7-15 years. However, in the sunny countries, the recovery period can happen in four years.

Need a new roof before installation?
As long as the roof is in good condition, a competent contractor can install solar panels. Roof replacement after the panels were in place it involves removing, so if your roof needs repair or replacement, it makes sense to take care of the cover before adding the signs.

Add panels are increasing their property taxes?
Many states offer tax credits for installing a renewable energy system, while cities and communities solar exempt from tax in the total local ownership.

How much can I save on energy bills?
While savings may vary, reduce your bill by 70% per month is not uncommon. If you spend $ 200 a month in power, this allows you to save about $ 1,700 per year.

My roof can bear?
The panels are connected to a railing system mounted on the roof. A typical residential panel measures 65 inches by 39 inches and is less than two inches thick. Before installing a system on the roof, an experienced entrepreneur will get a structural analysis of the roof and strengthen supervision if necessary.

The job of eliminating their need to be on the grid?
There are solar systems that store energy in large batteries that the customer owns, but most people attach to the network and net metering programs are part of where you are charged for the amount of electricity used to -delĂ  what your panels produce extra energy sent to the grid in exchange for credits during particularly sunny or periods when its use is low.

Are they going to make your ugly roof?
Given its popularity, it is almost a “fashion” in homes today, especially in sunny countries where technology is rapidly expanding.

Do they need maintenance?
With no moving parts, solar panels do not require regular maintenance. Many owners rely on rainfall to clean the panels. Modern systems tied into a monitoring software that tells you whether the system has become ineffective due to debris.

Contact a local contractor Roofing & Solar with solar panels problems

Before making the switch to solar power, you should have a good understanding of what is involved in this technology. Contact a solar entrepreneur and local coverage to respond to your questions, estimate the equipment costs compared to the savings, and installing solar panels.

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