Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How Your Landing Page Can Connect With Every Area Of The Human Brain

A landing page should connect directly with the user’s mind. But how does this really work? In order to create a mentally engaging experience for the user, how should a landing page look, work, feel, function? This article explains each of the four lobes of the brain, their function, and how a landing page can create an experience that connect with every area. The result is a landing page that is intensely engaging. The greater your understanding of a user’s mental process, the more effectively you will be able to create a landing page that gains conversions. The brain has four main lobes, or sections — the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal. Each section of the brain has a distinct function. Connecting with the Frontal Lobe What does the frontal lobe do? This is the section of the brain that is responsible for reasoning, planning, speaking, and problem solving. The frontal lobe governs the body’s executive functions, which refers to the management of memory, reasoning, and execution. How do you connect to the frontal lobe?

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